vanity space — Art of J'adore | Editorial Beauty Blog — J'ADORE BEAUTY

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Posts tagged vanity space
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J’ADORE BEAUTY was recently featured by REDFIN on “ Experts Share How to Organize Your Vanity Space”, written by Ryan Castillo.

If you own a lot of blushes, mascaras, and eyeliners you may struggle with keeping all of your makeup and beauty essentials in order. Having a well-maintained vanity space in your home is essential to achieving the perfect look. But you might not know where to start. In order to help, they reached out to makeup experts from San Francisco, CA to Phoenix, AZ to share our best advice on how to set up your vanity space and keep it organized. Read on to see what they had to say.

This is what we said:

Think about your space holistically

Start by illuminating the face with warm, white light and straying from fluorescent or hued lights to achieve the most accurate lighting for color matching. Allow your statement piece of a mirror to speak for itself by keeping the area clean and minimalistic and using high quality, clear bins in the drawers for organization, designating different areas for the makeup, brushes, clips, beauty products, and tools of your collection. – Jadore Beauty

Feel free to check out the Redfin website and see what other tips were suggested when putting together your own beauty space. You can see the post here: